Corporate wellness

Corporate Wellness Courses: Promoting a Healthy and Productive Workplace

We get it, the pace of work and stress that comes with it in the working environment isn’t slowing. The good news? Corporate wellness program...

Lack of resources for mental fitness.

Employee Wellness Course

Employee Wellness Course: The Benefits of Investing in Your Employees’ Health According to a proverb, “Health is Wealth.” And in...

Money problems affecting work

Employee Financial Wellness

These days, financial worries can be a significant source of stress for employees in the UK workspace. With living costs climbing and wages stagnant,...

Overcome work related stress

Understanding and Supporting Each Stressed Worker

Understanding and Supporting Each Stressed Worker: Tips for HR & People Leaders Pressure and stress come’s with most of our jobs....

Wellbeing at Work Courses: A Guide to Building a Healthier Workplace

The significance of employee health has recently received widespread acknowledgment, with many firms recognising the beneficial effects it may have...

Mental health support – Improving employee engagement

At the time of writing it’s 10:30 on a Tuesday morning and I’ve already received 3 emails today concerning employee mental health. The subjects...

The high cost of workplace anger: How to manage your emotions for professional success

Think of the last time someone lost their temper in your workplace. Shouting at a colleague, walking out on meetings, slamming doors, kicking a bin....

Employee anger

Understanding Employee Anger

Understanding Employee Anger: Tips for HR Professionals Although controlling employee rage can be a difficult chore for HR and people leaders, it is...

Playing Games to Improve Mental Fitness

Building Resilience: Strategies for Strengthening Your Mental Fitness

We have come a long way since even the suggestion of a mental wellness problem was a taboo subject. It would be talked about in hushed tones and the...

Corporate Wellness Programs

Corporate Wellness Programs: The Key to a Healthy and Productive Workforce Corporate wellness programs are becoming increasingly popular, with 52% of...