Every month our subscribers’ video package includes a 20 minute podcast featuring Dr Judith Johnson and Karl Simons OBE. Hosted by Gallantium CEO and founder Andrew Greener, the discussions cover each month’s topic with insight, advice and anecdotes taken from the workplace. You can listen to 5 minute previews here.


Workplace Anxiety

Sustained anxiety at work can lead to a range of problems like self-doubt and poor performance, but it’s often not easy to diagnose. The key then is to learn to correctly identify it, understand why it’s happening, and then tackle the root cause.
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Burnout is defined as prolonged stress. Symptoms can include a feeling of being demotivated, not finding enjoyment in work, tiredness and exhaustion. Ultimately it can even lead to a breakdown. We discuss how this can be recognised and avoided.
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The modern workplace can be challenging at the best of times, but anger is the one mental health condition that can never be tolerated, not least because it affects others. We discuss ways of controlling anger and the triggers that can cause it.
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Few of us will work in a completely stress-free environment, and some levels of stress are even good for us. But when is it too much? Certainly we don’t want to see people off sick through over-work, so some simple management strategies will help.
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There is a difference between being alone and being lonely. The former can be a choice whereas the latter is something involuntary, something we might not want to admit to, and potentially harmful. We talk about some of the ways we might reduce it.
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Financial Wellness

Personal debt can be caused by poor budgeting or spending discipline, or it could result from situations beyond our control. Either way, coping with debt can be incredibly worrying and lead to poor mental health. So how can we deal with it?
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Social Anxiety

There was a survey that was done by the World Health Organisation in twenty seventeen with over a hundred and forty thousand people. And they found at that time that they thought four percent of people will experience social anxiety disorder at some point in their life.
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Seasonal Affective Disorder

I noticed that in the winter, I would just end up getting up later and later and later. And then I'd end up regularly working into the small hours in the morning to make up for it. And I just ended up in this really negative cycle where I was missing the light hours of the day and feeling really miserable.
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If we look at the diagnostic criteria for depression, It's things like low mood, loss of enjoyment in activities that we normally enjoyed, feeling unable to relax, kind of agitated, having a loss of energy, I think all of us can relate to these feelings at some point.
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People who work from home or work remotely most of the time, there's also that physical isolation from others at work. But people can actually be in an office and experience kind of cognitive isolation because they do a different job to others around them.
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Work-life Balance

What is work life balance. It's a strange phrase, isn't it? Because it does suggest that we're not living when we're at work, but that's not what the phrase is trying to capture. The phrase is trying to capture this idea that we can meet both our personal responsibilities in our personal life and also our professional responsibilities in our work life.
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Mindfulness is a state of mind, It's about being aware and awake in the current moment. Really be there in the present and not distracted by other thoughts or be kind of in a haze in our minds.
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